Top 5 Canadian commercials
By Presley Cuthbertson on March 6, 2023
Everyone has a memory of growing up watching Teletoon or Family channel and seeing some good commercials, I decided to dig deep into the brain and rank my top 5 Canadian commercials that I would see pop up.
I remember waking up early on Saturday morning to watch my shows and this commercial always seemed to be the first one I saw. Even though it is a classic Canadian commercial with the big-mouth people and catchy song, it just doesn’t do it for me.
#4 Folgers Coffee
Now I couldn’t find a video to go along with this one but I think we all know these commercials by heart. With the cozy feelings and unforgettable jingle, how could you not wake up to Folgers in your cup? I know I couldn’t and honestly, I think this commercial alone is the reason I started to drink coffee at a young age.
I know this is a PSA to get kids out and active but come on, it was amazing! As a kid, I remember trying so hard to sing along to this commercial but I had no clue what language it was in so gibberish was my choice. It wasn’t until years later that I found out it was a PSA but that’s beside the point; it was just fun to watch a young boy trying to outrun a bunch of young girls. Did it really get kids to go exercise though? I don’t think so.
#2 House Hippo- Concerned Children Advertising
Ah the North American house hippo, what a wonderful little pet… if it was real. This commercial was a staple of my childhood. I would stay up late at night trying to catch evidence of a house hippo and when I was unsuccessful I would beg my parents to get one. This is now extremely funny to me because the commercial was a PSA about how children should not believe everything they see on TV but really I think kids actually believed there was such a thing as a house hippo. I did.
#1 I AM CANADIAN- Molson Canadian
How can I make a list of the top 5 Canadian commercials and not add in the I AM CANADIAN one from Molson. This one has to be in the number one spot because it lists off everything there is to being a Canadian. From the way we pronounce things to having a Prime Minster instead of a President, this commercial will go down in history as being one of the greatest. I’m sure Jimmy, Sally and Suzy from Canada would agree.
BONUS: Don’t Put It In Your Mouth
This one is just a little added bonus because how can we forget this catchy little jingle with the creepy blue puppets.