The Women In Our World

By Nick Petlock on March 5, 2021

March is largely associated with Women’s History and the various struggles and movements that people organized in an effort for more equality. This year however, most places around the world are more preoccupied with fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. But just because we are busy fighting a virus, doesn’t mean we stop fighting for awareness and equality for women. In fact, this year actually highlights some of the special women in our lives, that do so much for us.

The first thing I’d like to bring up in regards to appreciating women more, is the simple and obvious fact that most of us were birthed into the world by a woman. We owe our very existence in this world to our mothers who carried us around for 9 months, then proceeded to raise us. Our mothers deserve a whole lot more thanks for what they do to simply keep a home running.

My lovely mother Leslie Gwozdz

For me, my wonderful mother is the Director for Public Health (Edmonton Zone) for Alberta Health Services (AHS), and as such she is busy working to keep as many people as possible safe from the virus. That means not only is she committed to raising 3 kids and her family, but she is also a front-line worker who has been stressing non-stop so that people can get back to their normal lives. The point I’d like to make is that my mother is incredible, and I know her well. She is an excellent example for many women to follow, and no-one is more deserving of thanks than her. As for YOUR mother, just give her some thanks, or a hug maybe. Because I for one know with 100 percent certainty that our mothers don’t get enough appreciation for what they do.

The next people I’d like to mention are our co-workers, friends, significant others and such. These are the people who walk beside us every day, talk with us, learn with us, eat and drink with us. Sometimes the people we most often overlook our appreciation of, are the people we see most often. I can safely say that I do not thank each and every single person who speaks to me, nor do I thank every single one of my friends every time I see them. And this is something that needs to change, for the sake of those who come after us. How can we preach to the youth of today that they need to be kind, understanding and thankful towards everyone when we don’t even demonstrate these qualities ourselves?

During this month of awareness for women’s struggles and accomplishments, it’s more important than ever that we acknowledge the contributions of the strong women who raise us, nurture us, love us, befriend us and live beside us. The practices we see take place during this month of March are practices that we should continue after the month is done, so that our society moves towards a deeper appreciation of all people, regardless of gender.

And on behalf of myself and everyone at NR92, we thank you for what you do for us ladies!

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Instagram: @vye_king
