The weekly morning show that’s hardcore local
By Lexi McFarlane on September 26, 2023
What is YEGGERtalk? Glad you asked! YEGGERtalk is the quintessentially-Edmonton morning show that airs on NR92 Tuesdays at 7:30 AM. Perfect for playing through the TuneIn app on your car speakers as you drive in to work or class, YEGGERtalk will fill you in on recent local news, trendy articles for Edmonton establishments, and local sports. There’s also the #HistorYEG feature, which asks you for your memories of iconic landmarks of Edmonton’s past. There’s so much to appreciate about this city, and if you want to show your love and passion for all things YEG, then YEGGERtalk is YOUR favourite morning show! Blast it through your “808” if you want!