My Rocking Favourites from 2023.
By Charlotte Carr on April 22, 2024
Maneskin came in with a bang with their fourth studio album. I gotta say this album has many jams on it that are still apart of my repeat playlist. Some favourites that I recommend off this album has to be: GOSSIP(feat Tom Morello), GASOLINE, and THE LONELIEST.
Photo Credit:, album art belongs to Maneskin
Chaos Horrific- Cannibal Corpse
This one is a big jump from Maneskin, I think this sums up the variety I listen to at this point. Chaos Horrific is Cannibal Corpses 16th album. Honestly I didn’t realize that they were releasing this album till the day it came out. My three favourites have to be: Blood Blind, Vengeful Invasion, and Summoned for Sacrifice.
This album has to be in my top three favourites for this band. Being their eighth album and releasing the singles getting me more hyped they didn’t disappoint with this one. My 3 favourites have to be: The Purge, Damaged (feat. Spencer Charnas), and Army of Me.
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