Driving Play Suggestions

By Presley Cuthbertson on March 13, 2023

NR92 is the place where all sorts of different genres come together. We go from playing some hard rock to some country. This is the best part of our station because you never know what you’re going to get. 

With that being said, I present to you some of my own personal favorites from my driving playlist

Kicking this off…


That don’t impress me much by Shania Twain, If this song doesn’t put you in a good mood and helps to kick off your day feeling great then I don’t know what will. Shania Twain has always been one of my go-to’s for driving just because of how joyous her music is.


When I drive around I just put my playlist on shuffle so I don’t know what could come on next. In some cases, my playlist can go from pop to country to rock and that’s the best part but there is one song I will always play if I am driving during rush hour. Gimme Love by Vista Kicks is a song I keep close to the top of my playlist that way when traffic is stressing me out it can calm me down. 

867-5309/JENNY –  TOMMY TUTONE 3:51

Throwing it back a bit with this classic is an absolute must. I absolutely love this song. As soon as the chorus hits I am screaming the number as loud as I can and no one can hear me in my car. My driving playlist gives off so many vibes that nobody can see coming which I think is the best part. 


I know it may seem like all my playlist has is upbeat and poppy music but that isn’t the case. Back in high school, I added some punk-rock songs to the playlist to seem cool when I got my license, Fallen leaves by Billy Talent was one of those songs. I thought it made me cooler but Who knows.  I love this song because the first line reminds me so much of my crooked little hometown. I am still a huge fan of their music to this day, even saw them in concert so I don’t think their music is going to be leaving my playlist anytime soon. 

Next time you go for a drive, give some of these songs a try and I swear you’ll enjoy yourself. 
