3 Things NR92 Does That You Can’t Find Anywhere Else!

By Carter John Faechner on January 29, 2024

Here at NR92, we like to be special snowflakes.

Being a student station, a crazy part of our on air show is the freedom to make mistakes and mess up. Our course is designed to hold us to the flame. When learning to swim, we got to throw in the baby.

NR92 is a variety station! We can play just about anything. Given the radio overlords determine that we are “Canadian” enough. Thank you Justin Bieber! Back to what I was saying; we’ve got worldly music and music from your backyard.

Our final factor that sets NR92 Above the rest is our lovely students and their after hours shows. We have the freedom to organize and plan our own shows after class to be played live on NR92.

Other places, they’re not us.
