New School, New Commute: Breton High Students face new challenges

By Dalyce Sheaves on March 10, 2025

Breton is a small town in rural central Alberta and their high school is getting renovations. This is to make room for everyone in their elementary school which will convert the now high school into a Kindergarten – Grade 12 school. On February 11, the students and staff of Breton High made the switch to a nearby town’s high school building to continue their education process in a legitimate school, instead of portables but this means students like Dylan Sheaves who are town kids to Breton High and could previously walk to school, now have to catch the bus which raised some concerns.  

“Like not getting there on time, that kind of thing, because of the buses or not making the buses personally because I have never road a bus” says Sheaves.

The entire school modernization will be complete by 2027.
